
Mike Counsil Plumbing Covid-19 Update

COVID-19 update from Mike Counsil Plumbing and Rooter

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Mike Counsil Plumbing would like to keep you informed, not only with the statistics but also with information to keep you safe.  Please hover over the map below to see how the  COVID-19 virus is affecting the rest of the world and use this link to receive updated information on how to keep safe: CDC Information Site

These are times that we have to stick together, work together, and make smart decisions.  A lot of what is happening now is not comfortable. Many times sacrifices we make, for a greater good, are not pleasant. Someone once told me that you have a choice in some unique situations. What do you want? Short time pain, and long time gain, or Short time gain and long time pain?  Breaking the rules and not following strictly the shelter in place guidelines is a short time gain.  you may have a few moments of pleasure at the beach or walking around without a mask, but the long term consequences are not worth the risk. On the other hand, if you follow the shelter in place orders for a little while, we can get through this faster and enjoy the benefits of long time gain for everyone.  Let’s all make an effort to make the right choice. A choice that will benefit all and bring us closer to an end to this unusually painful situation.  Together we stand, divided we fall.  Let’s stick together and stand tall, overcome, survive, and thrive.

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Contact Mike Counsil Plumbing and Rooter in San Jose for 24/7 Plumbing

As a Family owned and operated company we service all plumbing needs in San Jose, California and the South Bay.